
5 powerful tips for work-life balance coaching

5 powerful tips for work-life balance coaching

Why work-life balance coaching?

It is unlikely you started your own business thinking it would lead to you working fewer hours!

During the startup phase, you invest significant time, energy, and money to get your business off the ground. By the time you’ve worked out a functional business model, the sheer relief of getting there can be enough of a reward!

At this stage of your company’s journey, your business’s performance is directly linked to the number of hours you spend working in your business. To earn more, you need to work more. Making progress or changes in your business also requires more of your time. This can lead to an imbalance between work and life that may be acceptable in the short term but should not be tolerated in the long term.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can feel like an impossible task. Juggling professional responsibilities with personal commitments often leaves people constantly worried, stressed, and feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day. 

But the solution might be simpler than you think: business coaching. 

For owners of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), the performance of your business has a direct correlation to your personal happiness and well-being. Our business coaching has the outcome of being work-life balance coaching!

At UK Growth Coach, we have seen the profound impact that work-life balance coaching can have on individuals looking to create harmony between their work and home lives. If you’re a business owner struggling to separate work from personal time, our coaches are here to assist you.

For good reason, we’ve covered the topic of work-life balance in several previous blogs. If your balance is off, something in your business could be the underlying cause for it. As well as causing you stress, and potentially impacting your relationships, it will also be holding back the performance of your business’ potential. 

Let’s solve two things at the same time!

Here are five powerful tips from our coaching process that can transform your work and life balance.

1. What are you constantly worried about? Identify the root causes

Many of us are constantly worried about juggling multiple roles, whether it’s work, family, or personal goals. The first step towards regaining a work-life balance is identifying what’s causing this imbalance. 

  • What balance do you want and why?
  • Where are you spending your time currently and why?
  • What would happen if you changed the way you spent your time tomorrow?

A business coach will help you pinpoint the areas of your business that demand your time and work with you to find practical solutions, whether that is putting processes in place, helping with delegation and training, establishing a business culture to helping you get in control of your financials and much more. 

One of our clients, Chris Irving from Curve Accountancy, is a great example of someone we have significantly helped. We reduced his working week from 85 hours to 45 hours per week. He is able to now take family holidays which he hadn’t been able to do for 5 years. He’s delegated responsibilities into his team who have thrived and developed as a result. These have contributed to an increase in turnover and profitability.

Read the testimonial here or watch our video.

To read more about how work-life balance coaching can help you manage stress, check out this blog on mastering work-life balance coaching.

2. Set boundaries: Learn to say ‘NO’!

Setting boundaries is one of the key strategies for achieving a healthy work-life balance. It can be difficult to say ‘no’ to additional tasks, especially in a professional setting, but knowing when to draw the line is essential.

It would be great to be able to do everything, but you do have to make choices as a business owner and allocate your time according to what will deliver the most value and return to the business.

Here are some tips from our coaching process:

  • Ensure dedicated ‘no-work’ time, such as weekends or after a certain hour in the evening.
  • Communicate your boundaries with your employees or colleagues – ensure you respect your team’s boundaries too!
  • Prioritise tasks – learn which ones you can delegate.

The most important takeaway? One size does not fit all. Work-life balance business coaching is highly individualised. What works for you may not work for someone else, and that’s where our work-life balance coaching comes in to create a customised plan. We teach our clients to take control of their time, setting boundaries to protect their energy levels and reduce stress.

Explore how to create these boundaries further by reading the importance of work-life balance coaching.

5 powerful tips for work-life balance coaching

3. Strategies to manage your time and energy

Are you managing your time effectively? Or does it feel like work is spilling over into your personal time? Work-life balance coaching can assist you in maximising your productivity while still leaving space for relaxation and self-care.

Here are a few strategies we recommend:

  • Time blocking: Allocate specific blocks of time for work, personal projects, and leisure.
  • Breaks: Regularly scheduled breaks can prevent burnout and enhance focus.
  • Prioritising: Use a daily or weekly planner to focus on tasks that align with your most important goals.

One of the biggest breakthroughs we see in clients is when they learn how to use their time and energy more efficiently. By implementing these strategies, you can create a sense of achievement in both your work and home life.

For more guidance on managing your time effectively, download our free guide to 7 different time management techniques here.

4. Managing stress: How coaching transforms lives

It’s no secret that poor work-life balance leads to increased stress. But how can coaching sessions help? By understanding the root causes of stress, whether it’s an overloaded schedule or unclear goals, our coaching guides clients through their business challenges.

These strategies include:

  • Goal setting: Break down large, overwhelming tasks into smaller, manageable goals. This reduces the feeling of constantly being behind.
  • Delegation: Learn how to delegate tasks effectively at work.
  • Education and support: business owners aren’t going it alone or having to make decisions based only on their own experience when they work with a coach. 

Many clients come to us feeling overwhelmed, and through work-life balance business coaching, they discover new ways to make progress in their business which removes many points of frustration and worry for them. 

5 powerful tips for work-life balance coaching

5. Hear from our success stories! How work-life balance coaching can transform lives

At UK Growth Coach, we believe in the power of real-life transformations. Many of our clients have turned their business potential into reality, which has improved their work and life balance. 

Toby and Keely Strange from TS Electrical, small business owners, were stressed and feeling like they were treading water. Through our tailored coaching, they learned to set clear boundaries and reorganise their workload. The result? They now enjoy going to work and have improved productivity in their business. 

Watch the TS Electrical testimonial here.

Work-life balance coaching with UK Growth Coach

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start, know that work-life balance coaching is here to help. We offer a structured approach to business coaching which solves business challenges and helps you reach your potential in the real world, to bring personal benefits to you, your team, and your community. 

Don’t wait until the stress becomes unbearable, contact us for a 90-minute review with one of our expert coaches and begin the journey to achieving a balanced work and home life.

For more inspiring stories and advice, read our blog on mastering work-life balance coaching.

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