Sussex and Brighton Business Coaches

Coaching Services For Business Owners

Taking the owners of small and medium-sized businesses on a journey to fulfilling their business ambitions, preventing them from plateauing and getting over the bumps!

If you are looking for a Sussex and/or Brighton business coach, we are here for you!

Put the foundations in place to become a functional and profitable business as quickly as possible!

Achieve rapid business growth, and enable your business to scale up more easily.
Make your business less reliant on you as the owner, and create freedom for yourself!

Prepare your business for better valuation, exit, or succession

How can a local Sussex and Brighton business coach help you and your business?

  • Were you ever formally trained in how to run your business?
  • Do you sometimes think you could achieve more with the proper knowledge?
  • Do you work more hours for less profit than you want to?
  • Is your business, and are YOU, achieving your potential yet?

For the vast majority of small and medium-sized business owners, the answer will likely be no to a few of the above questions.

That’s not uncommon, and it is precisely what a Sussex and Brighton business coaches, UK Growth Coach will help you change!

"The business was really stressful. It felt like we weren’t making any advances forward and we were just treading water. But we knew that it had potential to be more than what it was.

We’ve worked on so much with UK Growth Coach - our purpose, values, sales pipeline, CRM, even our in-house software has been upgraded.

There’s been big changes since working with UK Growth Coach to our self-confidence as business owners. We’re enjoying going to work now and feel like we’re actually moving towards our goals…we’re starting to see improvements in our profitability and our turnover already.

Everything that our coach has promised us, he has delivered above and beyond what was expected."
Keely Strange
TS Electrical

Supporting the SME community: Download for FREE our 5 top tips on cashflow!

Cashflow accounts for approximately 50,000 business failures every year. In addition, it is estimated over half of all SMEs experience some cashflow difficulties. 

Don’t let yourself be one of them!

Download our 5 top tips for managing and improving your cashflow. Happy reading!

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5 tips on cashflow, cashflow management
black female business owner of a creative business coached by brighton business coach
business coaching happening in room with coach and two clients

How can a local business coach help you and your business?

Many business owners think that working with a coach is what you do when you have a broken business or when something is wrong and needs fixing.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Only good business owners work with a coach like us, as they realise that most successful owners didn’t make it there all on their own.

They had some help from expert advisors or coaches and allowed themselves to accept support rather than hide behind pride.

A coach can help you achieve your peak performance, and whether that is in an elite sport or the world of business, that can make a massive difference to your enjoyment of life overall!

At UK Growth Coach, our business growth coaches and business improvement coaches help take good businesses (like yours) and make them better still.

We work with the best business owners, not the worst.

Our specialism is in enabling top performance, not the avoidance of the poorest.

Our coaching is aimed at excellent, not mediocre.

If this sounds like you, get in touch with business coach Brighton today!

Why do business owners benefit from the help of a coach?

Most business owners didn’t get much in the way of formal business training and naturally lack some of the skills and tools required to be great at the myriad of roles a business owner undertakes.

Of course, this isn’t their fault, but it is a reality.

The result of those gaps is that they have been making progress more slowly than they need to or making more mistakes than were necessary through a trial and error approach.

That doesn’t have to happen ongoing. It’s time to change and step up your game!

The purpose of UK Growth Coach is to simplify the business of business for company owners and to be a catalyst for change in their lives and professions.

We are here to help you, and we hope you will take up that opportunity now.

Are you interested in hearing more about coaching?

Experienced and passionate Sussex
and Brighton business coaches

This is what makes us stand out from other business coaches.


As active business coaches in Brighton, Eastbourne and Sussex, we’ve worked with over 250 businesses during the past 15 years. Coaching everything from a startup catering company through to the COO of an international airline and everything in between.


Trained by some of the worlds-leading business coaches and with one of us previously a police trainer, we know all about diplomacy and how to challenge professionally!


All our coaching engagements start with a ‘North Star’ meeting where we explore the direction, purpose and business goals. We focus on tangible business and personal goals that positively change you and your business.

First-hand experience of running own business

We have genuine empathy and understanding of what it’s like to be a small business owner.

As Directors of three different businesses, we have all of the headaches and challenges that any other business owner has.

So if you want a Brighton business coach who has real empathy for your Sussex business, you know who to call!

Published authors on business strategy and business

We believe strongly that there is not enough quality support for SME business owners, to such a level that we have personally written three books to help educate and guide owners.

Book a free 90-minute Business Review for a trial session!

“I was so grateful for this because Tim motivated me to take the time to really think about my business growth. He made suggestions to help me grow my business that I hadn’t thought about. He challenged me to reframe how I looked at my business. This was an inspirational experience.”

Investing in a business coach is an important business decision. It is an investment in the future growth of your business and in achieving your ambitions.

So why not take advantage of a complimentary Business Review to safely test the water with a Sussex and Brighton business coach?

During the session, we’ll introduce you to one of our key frameworks – The Coaching Star which explores the ten fundamental aspects of all successful businesses.

Core Values

The 5 promises we make to our customers:

Educate To Unlock
Your Potential

We will help you learn and apply new business skills, as well as provide relevant tools, connections and advice to compliment your own expertise.

Provide Accountability
To Perform

We will help keep you honest with your own commitments. Our job is to ensure that you focus and deliver on what you say you will.

Support And
Lift Up

When you hit the glass ceilings or emotional walls, we will help you push on through.

Speak The
Necessary Truth

We will not sugar coat or dance around the important issues, if there is something you need to know, we will tell you clearly.

Emotionally Invest In
Your Success

Your success will be a reflection of our own. We will genuinely care for your progression and achievement.

Educate To Unlock
Your Potential

We will help you learn and apply new business skills, as well as provide relevant tools, connections and advice to compliment your own expertise.

Provide Accountability
To Perform

We will help keep you honest with your own commitments. Our job is to ensure that you focus and deliver on what you say you will.

Support And
Lift Up

When you hit the glass ceilings or emotional walls, we will help you push on through.

Speak The
Necessary Truth

We will not sugar coat or dance around the important issues, if there is something you need to know, we will tell you clearly.

Emotionally Invest In
Your Success

Your success will be a reflection of our own. We will genuinely care for your progression and achievement.

Client Testimonials

What's it like to work with UK Growth Coach

The impact of a business coach on your business and you personally

From working with us as your business success coach, you could come away with some or all of these outcomes for your business:
  • Greater clarity over the direction of your business and plans
  • Improved business culture and the way your employees live it
  • A better understanding of what the profit levers are for your business and how to strategise them
  • Greater strategic use of financial management and controls, so they aren’t just historical but can be used to provide a degree of predictability
  • A stronger and more robust marketing strategy, devised by our sister company, Growth by Design
  • Improved sales strategy from increased conversion rates through to higher-order values and more frequent purchases
  • More robust measurement and reporting of the right key performance indicators
  • Understanding how systems can be created for consistency and efficiency
  • Future-proofing the business structure, including leadership development and succession planning
  • Reduced reliance on you as a business owner for the business to function well
  • Greater confidence, knowledge, reassurance and efficiency.

Ultimately, UK Growth Coach is about achieving an improved work-life balance for you as an owner and an improved success rate and rate of progress for your business.

Get in touch with our Sussex and Brighton business coaches and see the difference they can make to you and your business!